50 years of expertise - Best Practice for the future.

MAPLAN – ahead of the pack with innovative and sustainable solutions

MAPLAN is a leading producer of elastomer injection moulding machines and an expert in 360-degree system solutions for the semi- and fully- automated production of rubber and silicone products. MAPLAN has stood for expertise and reliability since 1970. Using the latest industry technology, we constantly drive product development and optimise our production methods. In this way, we ensure that we stay ahead of the pack when it comes to the newest technology.


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Success through innovative methods and individualized customer care

Advantage through innovation & sustainability: Our customers benefit from MAPLAN’s technological lead and our individual consulting. MAPLAN develops and manufactures solutions for the production of elastomer molded parts – from simple rubber molded articles to precision parts with high quality requirements, produced under great price pressure. We are thus responsible for the decisive competitive advantage that will distinguish our customers in tomorrow’s market.

Focus makes the difference

“Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to leave out” – this quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry describes very well what is important to us at MAPLAN: reduction to the essentials.

MAPLAN guarantees efficient processes, because we know: Time is money. For us, innovation in injection moulding technology means using all possibilities to optimize production processes according to the latest state of the art. This applies to our own production processes as well as to the production processes of our customers.s.

This is one of the reasons why a cutting-edge Lean Line Production was introduced at the MAPLAN headquarters. Lean Production always goes hand in hand with increased efficiency and waste reduction – whether internally or at suppliers and customers. Perfect machine quality can only be guaranteed by optimal production conditions. Our plants and systems are the proverbial proof in the pudding of this mindset.